Here you will find a list of the huts from A - Z:

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Huts: 2085
(Camona da Medel)
Elevation: 2524 m
category: Mountain hut
Adula / Tamina | CH
Schweizer Alpen-Club (SAC)
total assessment: 9.6 from 10.0
Reviews: 11 serviced: 9.6 (10) Winter: 10.0 (1)
AR-ID: CH7037
today: bewartet
Elevation: 1770 m
category: Mountain hut
Ötztaler Alpen | AT
no ratings yet
AR-ID: AT8116
today: unbekannt
AR member
Elevation: 2731 m
category: Mountain hut
Berner Alpen | CH
no ratings yet
AR-ID: CH8140
today: unbekannt
Elevation: 1460 m
category: Mountain hut
Kaisergebirge | AT
no ratings yet
AR-ID: AT4578
today: unbekannt
Elevation: 1750 m
category: Mountain hut
Adula / Tamina | CH
no ratings yet
AR-ID: CH1968
today: unbekannt
Elevation: 2196 m
category: Mountain hut
Dachsteingebirge | AT
no ratings yet
AR-ID: AT7408
today: unbekannt
Elevation: 1725 m
category: Mountain hut
Ennstaler Alpen | AT
no ratings yet
AR-ID: AT5857
today: unbekannt
Elevation: 1804 m
category: Bivouac
Ennstaler Alpen | AT
no ratings yet
AR-ID: AT3581
today: unbekannt
Elevation: 2488 m
category: Mountain hut
Schobergruppe | AT
no ratings yet
AR-ID: AT7635
today: unbekannt
Elevation: 1977 m
category: Mountain hut
Stubaier Alpen | AT
no ratings yet
AR-ID: AT5519
today: unbekannt
Elevation: 1336 m
category: Mountain hut
Oberösterreichische Voralpen | AT
no ratings yet
AR-ID: AT3434
today: unbekannt
Elevation: 1311 m
category: Mountain hut
Bayerische Voralpen | DE
no ratings yet
AR-ID: DE3549
today: unbekannt
Elevation: 1973 m
category: Mountain hut
Bernina Alpen | CH
no ratings yet
AR-ID: CH1496
today: unbekannt
Elevation: 1187 m
category: Mountain hut
Vizentiner Alpen | IT
no ratings yet
AR-ID: IT6162
today: unbekannt
Elevation: 1638 m
category: Mountain hut
Totes Gebirge | AT
no ratings yet
AR-ID: AT3099
today: unbekannt
Elevation: 2428 m
category: Bivouac
Ankogelgruppe | AT
no ratings yet
AR-ID: AT8935
today: unbekannt
Elevation: 1050 m
category: Mountain hut
Bayerische Voralpen | DE
no ratings yet
AR-ID: DE3522
today: unbekannt
Elevation: 2663 m
category: Bivouac
Ankogelgruppe | AT
no ratings yet
AR-ID: AT8489
today: unbekannt
Elevation: 1015 m
category: Mountain hut
Julische Alpen | SI
no ratings yet
AR-ID: SI4521
today: unbekannt
Elevation: 2385 m
category: Mountain hut
Bernina Alpen | CH
no ratings yet
AR-ID: CH9157
today: unbekannt